Temp Mailing è la soluzione perfetta per te se vuoi mantenere pulita e sicura la tua casella di posta reale o se hai bisogno di un indirizzo email temporaneo. Temp Mailing è anonimo, sicuro e gratuito. È possibile utilizzare Temp Mailing per ricevere e-mail da siti Web che richiedono un indirizzo e-mail o per iscriversi a newsletter. Temp Mailing è anche un'ottima soluzione per le aziende che necessitano di un indirizzo email temporaneo per i propri clienti.
To send temp mail you just have to visit temp-mailing and once you land on that page, you will see a screen with an email address. Now copy this and you can use this as a temporary email address
In order to check temp mail inbox, first visit temp-mailing and then scroll down and you will see a screen which says waiting for emails and that's how you can check the inbox.
It's very easy to use temp-mailing. First head out to temp-mailing and you will see an email address, use this email address and with that you will also see your inbox on that page.
Yes, temp-mailing is 100% safe and easy to use.
To access your temp-mail you just need to scroll down and you will see all your mails there.
Yes, temp-mailing is 100% free to use and we do not charge our users for using our tool.
Temp mail lasts as long as you don't change the email address.
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